Source code for optuna.integration.chainermn

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
import warnings

from optuna import TrialPruned
from optuna._deprecated import deprecated_func
from optuna._imports import try_import
from optuna.distributions import BaseDistribution
from optuna.distributions import CategoricalChoiceType
from optuna.storages import InMemoryStorage
from optuna.storages import RDBStorage
from import Study
from optuna.trial import BaseTrial
from optuna.trial import Trial

with try_import() as _imports:
    from chainermn.communicators.communicator_base import CommunicatorBase  # NOQA

_suggest_deprecated_msg = "Use :func:`~optuna.integration.ChainerMNTrial.suggest_float` instead."

class _ChainerMNObjectiveFunc:
    """A wrapper of an objective function to incorporate Optuna with ChainerMN.

    Note that this class is not supposed to be used by library users.

            A callable that implements objective function.
            A `ChainerMN communicator <

    def __init__(
        func: Callable[["ChainerMNTrial", "CommunicatorBase"], float],
        comm: "CommunicatorBase",
    ) -> None:

        self.comm = comm
        self.objective = func

    def __call__(self, trial: Trial) -> float:

        return self.objective(ChainerMNTrial(trial, self.comm), self.comm)

[docs]class ChainerMNStudy: """A wrapper of :class:`` to incorporate Optuna with ChainerMN. .. seealso:: :class:`~optuna.integration.chainermn.ChainerMNStudy` provides the same interface as :class:``. Please refer to :class:`` for further details. See `the example < chainer/>`__ if you want to optimize an objective function that trains neural network written with ChainerMN. Args: study: A :class:`` object. comm: A `ChainerMN communicator < index.html#communicators>`_. """ def __init__(self, study: Study, comm: "CommunicatorBase") -> None: _imports.check() if isinstance(study._storage, InMemoryStorage): raise ValueError("ChainerMN integration is not available with InMemoryStorage.") if isinstance(study._storage, RDBStorage): if == "sqlite": warnings.warn( "SQLite may cause synchronization problems when used with " "ChainerMN integration. Please use other DBs like PostgreSQL." ) study_names = comm.mpi_comm.allgather(study.study_name) if len(set(study_names)) != 1: raise ValueError("Please make sure an identical study name is shared among workers.") super(ChainerMNStudy, self).__setattr__("delegate", study) super(ChainerMNStudy, self).__setattr__("comm", comm)
[docs] def optimize( self, func: Callable[["ChainerMNTrial", "CommunicatorBase"], float], n_trials: Optional[int] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, catch: Tuple[Type[Exception], ...] = (), ) -> None: """Optimize an objective function. This method provides the same interface as :func:`` except the absence of ``n_jobs`` argument. """ if self.comm.rank == 0: func_mn = _ChainerMNObjectiveFunc(func, self.comm) try: self.delegate.optimize(func_mn, n_trials=n_trials, timeout=timeout, catch=catch) finally: self.comm.mpi_comm.bcast(False) else: has_next_trial = self.comm.mpi_comm.bcast(None) while True: if not has_next_trial: break try: func(ChainerMNTrial(None, self.comm), self.comm) # We assume that if a node raises an exception, # all other nodes will do the same. # # The responsibility to handle acceptable exceptions (i.e., `TrialPruned` and # `catch`) is in the rank-0 node, so other nodes simply ignore them. except TrialPruned: pass except catch: pass finally: has_next_trial = self.comm.mpi_comm.bcast(None)
def __getattr__(self, attr_name: str) -> Any: return getattr(self.delegate, attr_name) def __setattr__(self, attr_name: str, value: Any) -> None: setattr(self.delegate, attr_name, value)
class ChainerMNTrial(BaseTrial): """A wrapper of :class:`~optuna.trial.Trial` to incorporate Optuna with ChainerMN. .. seealso:: :class:`~optuna.integration.chainermn.ChainerMNTrial` provides the same interface as :class:`~optuna.trial.Trial`. Please refer to :class:`optuna.trial.Trial` for further details. Args: trial: A :class:`~optuna.trial.Trial` object if the caller is rank0 worker, :obj:`None` otherwise. comm: A `ChainerMN communicator < index.html#communicators>`_. """ def __init__(self, trial: Optional[Trial], comm: "CommunicatorBase") -> None: self.delegate = trial self.comm = comm def suggest_float( self, name: str, low: float, high: float, *, step: Optional[float] = None, log: bool = False, ) -> float: def func() -> float: assert self.delegate is not None return self.delegate.suggest_float(name, low, high, log=log, step=step) return self._call_with_mpi(func) @deprecated_func("3.0.0", "6.0.0", text=_suggest_deprecated_msg) def suggest_uniform(self, name: str, low: float, high: float) -> float: return self.suggest_float(name, low, high) @deprecated_func("3.0.0", "6.0.0", text=_suggest_deprecated_msg) def suggest_loguniform(self, name: str, low: float, high: float) -> float: return self.suggest_float(name, low, high, log=True) @deprecated_func("3.0.0", "6.0.0", text=_suggest_deprecated_msg) def suggest_discrete_uniform(self, name: str, low: float, high: float, q: float) -> float: return self.suggest_float(name, low, high, step=q) def suggest_int(self, name: str, low: int, high: int, step: int = 1, log: bool = False) -> int: def func() -> int: assert self.delegate is not None return self.delegate.suggest_int(name, low, high, step=step, log=log) return self._call_with_mpi(func) def suggest_categorical(self, name: str, choices: Sequence[CategoricalChoiceType]) -> Any: def func() -> CategoricalChoiceType: assert self.delegate is not None return self.delegate.suggest_categorical(name, choices) return self._call_with_mpi(func) def report(self, value: float, step: int) -> None: if self.comm.rank == 0: assert self.delegate is not None, step) self.comm.mpi_comm.barrier() def should_prune(self) -> bool: def func() -> bool: assert self.delegate is not None return self.delegate.should_prune() return self._call_with_mpi(func) def set_user_attr(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: if self.comm.rank == 0: assert self.delegate is not None self.delegate.set_user_attr(key, value) self.comm.mpi_comm.barrier() @deprecated_func("3.1.0", "6.0.0") def set_system_attr(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: if self.comm.rank == 0: assert self.delegate is not None, key, value) self.comm.mpi_comm.barrier() @property def number(self) -> int: def func() -> int: assert self.delegate is not None return self.delegate.number return self._call_with_mpi(func) @property def _trial_id(self) -> int: def func() -> int: assert self.delegate is not None return self.delegate._trial_id return self._call_with_mpi(func) @property def params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: def func() -> Dict[str, Any]: assert self.delegate is not None return self.delegate.params return self._call_with_mpi(func) @property def distributions(self) -> Dict[str, BaseDistribution]: def func() -> Dict[str, BaseDistribution]: assert self.delegate is not None return self.delegate.distributions return self._call_with_mpi(func) @property def user_attrs(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: def func() -> Dict[str, Any]: assert self.delegate is not None return self.delegate.user_attrs return self._call_with_mpi(func) @property def system_attrs(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: def func() -> Dict[str, Any]: assert self.delegate is not None return self.delegate.system_attrs return self._call_with_mpi(func) @property def datetime_start(self) -> Optional[datetime]: def func() -> Optional[datetime]: assert self.delegate is not None return self.delegate.datetime_start return self._call_with_mpi(func) def _call_with_mpi(self, func: Callable) -> Any: if self.comm.rank == 0: try: result = func() self.comm.mpi_comm.bcast(result) return result except Exception as e: self.comm.mpi_comm.bcast(e) raise else: result = self.comm.mpi_comm.bcast(None) if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result return result