Source code for optuna.visualization._utils

from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import cast
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Set
from typing import Union
import warnings

import numpy as np

import optuna
from optuna.distributions import CategoricalDistribution
from optuna.distributions import FloatDistribution
from optuna.distributions import IntDistribution
from import Study
from import StudyDirection
from optuna.trial import FrozenTrial
from optuna.visualization import _plotly_imports

__all__ = ["is_available"]
_logger = optuna.logging.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def is_available() -> bool: """Returns whether visualization with plotly is available or not. .. note:: :mod:`~optuna.visualization` module depends on plotly version 4.0.0 or higher. If a supported version of plotly isn't installed in your environment, this function will return :obj:`False`. In such case, please execute ``$ pip install -U plotly>=4.0.0`` to install plotly. Returns: :obj:`True` if visualization with plotly is available, :obj:`False` otherwise. """ return _plotly_imports._imports.is_successful()
if is_available(): import plotly.colors COLOR_SCALE = plotly.colors.sequential.Blues def _check_plot_args( study: Union[Study, Sequence[Study]], target: Optional[Callable[[FrozenTrial], float]], target_name: str, ) -> None: studies: Sequence[Study] if isinstance(study, Study): studies = [study] else: studies = study if target is None and any(study._is_multi_objective() for study in studies): raise ValueError( "If the `study` is being used for multi-objective optimization, " "please specify the `target`." ) if target is not None and target_name == "Objective Value": warnings.warn( "`target` is specified, but `target_name` is the default value, 'Objective Value'." ) def _is_log_scale(trials: List[FrozenTrial], param: str) -> bool: for trial in trials: if param in trial.params: dist = trial.distributions[param] if isinstance(dist, (FloatDistribution, IntDistribution)): if dist.log: return True return False def _is_categorical(trials: List[FrozenTrial], param: str) -> bool: return any( isinstance(t.distributions[param], CategoricalDistribution) for t in trials if param in t.params ) def _is_numerical(trials: List[FrozenTrial], param: str) -> bool: return all( (isinstance(t.params[param], int) or isinstance(t.params[param], float)) and not isinstance(t.params[param], bool) for t in trials if param in t.params ) def _get_param_values(trials: List[FrozenTrial], p_name: str) -> List[Any]: values = [t.params[p_name] for t in trials if p_name in t.params] if _is_numerical(trials, p_name): return values return list(map(str, values)) def _get_skipped_trial_numbers( trials: List[FrozenTrial], used_param_names: Sequence[str] ) -> Set[int]: """Utility function for ``plot_parallel_coordinate``. If trial's parameters do not contain a parameter in ``used_param_names``, ``plot_parallel_coordinate`` methods do not use such trails. Args: trials: List of ``FrozenTrial``s. used_param_names: The parameter names used in ``plot_parallel_coordinate``. Returns: A set of invalid trial numbers. """ skipped_trial_numbers = set() for trial in trials: for used_param in used_param_names: if used_param not in trial.params.keys(): skipped_trial_numbers.add(trial.number) break return skipped_trial_numbers def _filter_nonfinite( trials: List[FrozenTrial], target: Optional[Callable[[FrozenTrial], float]] = None, with_message: bool = True, ) -> List[FrozenTrial]: # For multi-objective optimization target must be specified to select # one of objective values to filter trials by (and plot by later on). # This function is not raising when target is missing, sice we're # assuming plot args have been sanitized before. if target is None: def _target(t: FrozenTrial) -> float: return cast(float, t.value) target = _target filtered_trials: List[FrozenTrial] = [] for trial in trials: # Not a Number, positive infinity and negative infinity are considered to be non-finite. if not np.isfinite(target(trial)): if with_message: _logger.warning( f"Trial {trial.number} is omitted in visualization " "because its objective value is inf or nan." ) else: filtered_trials.append(trial) return filtered_trials def _is_reverse_scale(study: Study, target: Optional[Callable[[FrozenTrial], float]]) -> bool: return target is not None or study.direction == StudyDirection.MINIMIZE