Source code for optuna.visualization._contour

import math
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple

from packaging import version

from optuna.logging import get_logger
from import Study
from optuna.trial import FrozenTrial
from optuna.trial import TrialState
from optuna.visualization._plotly_imports import _imports
from optuna.visualization._utils import _check_plot_args
from optuna.visualization._utils import _filter_nonfinite
from optuna.visualization._utils import _get_param_values
from optuna.visualization._utils import _is_log_scale
from optuna.visualization._utils import _is_numerical
from optuna.visualization._utils import _is_reverse_scale

if _imports.is_successful():
    from optuna.visualization._plotly_imports import Contour
    from optuna.visualization._plotly_imports import go
    from optuna.visualization._plotly_imports import make_subplots
    from optuna.visualization._plotly_imports import plotly
    from optuna.visualization._plotly_imports import Scatter
    from optuna.visualization._utils import COLOR_SCALE

_logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def plot_contour( study: Study, params: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, target: Optional[Callable[[FrozenTrial], float]] = None, target_name: str = "Objective Value", ) -> "go.Figure": """Plot the parameter relationship as contour plot in a study. Note that, if a parameter contains missing values, a trial with missing values is not plotted. Example: The following code snippet shows how to plot the parameter relationship as contour plot. .. plotly:: import optuna def objective(trial): x = trial.suggest_float("x", -100, 100) y = trial.suggest_categorical("y", [-1, 0, 1]) return x ** 2 + y sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler(seed=10) study = optuna.create_study(sampler=sampler) study.optimize(objective, n_trials=30) fig = optuna.visualization.plot_contour(study, params=["x", "y"]) Args: study: A :class:`` object whose trials are plotted for their target values. params: Parameter list to visualize. The default is all parameters. target: A function to specify the value to display. If it is :obj:`None` and ``study`` is being used for single-objective optimization, the objective values are plotted. .. note:: Specify this argument if ``study`` is being used for multi-objective optimization. target_name: Target's name to display on the color bar. Returns: A :class:`plotly.graph_objs.Figure` object. """ _imports.check() _check_plot_args(study, target, target_name) return _get_contour_plot(study, params, target, target_name)
def _get_contour_plot( study: Study, params: Optional[List[str]] = None, target: Optional[Callable[[FrozenTrial], float]] = None, target_name: str = "Objective Value", ) -> "go.Figure": layout = go.Layout(title="Contour Plot") trials = _filter_nonfinite( study.get_trials(deepcopy=False, states=(TrialState.COMPLETE,)), target=target ) if len(trials) == 0: _logger.warning("Your study does not have any completed trials.") return go.Figure(data=[], layout=layout) all_params = {p_name for t in trials for p_name in t.params.keys()} if params is None: sorted_params = sorted(all_params) elif len(params) <= 1: _logger.warning("The length of params must be greater than 1.") return go.Figure(data=[], layout=layout) else: for input_p_name in params: if input_p_name not in all_params: raise ValueError("Parameter {} does not exist in your study.".format(input_p_name)) sorted_params = sorted(set(params)) padding_ratio = 0.05 param_values_range = {} for p_name in sorted_params: values = _get_param_values(trials, p_name) min_value = min(values) max_value = max(values) if _is_log_scale(trials, p_name): padding = (math.log10(max_value) - math.log10(min_value)) * padding_ratio min_value = math.pow(10, math.log10(min_value) - padding) max_value = math.pow(10, math.log10(max_value) + padding) elif _is_numerical(trials, p_name): padding = (max_value - min_value) * padding_ratio min_value = min_value - padding max_value = max_value + padding else: # Plotly>=4.12.0 draws contours using the indices of categorical variables instead of # raw values and the range should be updated based on the cardinality of categorical # variables. See if version.parse(plotly.__version__) >= version.parse("4.12.0"): span = len(set(values)) - 1 padding = span * padding_ratio min_value = -padding max_value = span + padding param_values_range[p_name] = (min_value, max_value) reverse_scale = _is_reverse_scale(study, target) if len(sorted_params) == 2: x_param = sorted_params[0] y_param = sorted_params[1] sub_plots = _generate_contour_subplot( trials, x_param, y_param, reverse_scale, param_values_range, target, target_name ) figure = go.Figure(data=sub_plots, layout=layout) figure.update_xaxes(title_text=x_param, range=param_values_range[x_param]) figure.update_yaxes(title_text=y_param, range=param_values_range[y_param]) if not _is_numerical(trials, x_param): figure.update_xaxes(type="category") if not _is_numerical(trials, y_param): figure.update_yaxes(type="category") if _is_log_scale(trials, x_param): log_range = [math.log10(p) for p in param_values_range[x_param]] figure.update_xaxes(range=log_range, type="log") if _is_log_scale(trials, y_param): log_range = [math.log10(p) for p in param_values_range[y_param]] figure.update_yaxes(range=log_range, type="log") else: figure = make_subplots( rows=len(sorted_params), cols=len(sorted_params), shared_xaxes=True, shared_yaxes=True ) figure.update_layout(layout) showscale = True # showscale option only needs to be specified once for x_i, x_param in enumerate(sorted_params): for y_i, y_param in enumerate(sorted_params): if x_param == y_param: figure.add_trace(go.Scatter(), row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) else: sub_plots = _generate_contour_subplot( trials, x_param, y_param, reverse_scale, param_values_range, target, target_name, ) contour = sub_plots[0] scatter = sub_plots[1] contour.update(showscale=showscale) # showscale's default is True if showscale: showscale = False figure.add_trace(contour, row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) figure.add_trace(scatter, row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) figure.update_xaxes(range=param_values_range[x_param], row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) figure.update_yaxes(range=param_values_range[y_param], row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) if not _is_numerical(trials, x_param): figure.update_xaxes(type="category", row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) if not _is_numerical(trials, y_param): figure.update_yaxes(type="category", row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) if _is_log_scale(trials, x_param): log_range = [math.log10(p) for p in param_values_range[x_param]] figure.update_xaxes(range=log_range, type="log", row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) if _is_log_scale(trials, y_param): log_range = [math.log10(p) for p in param_values_range[y_param]] figure.update_yaxes(range=log_range, type="log", row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) if x_i == 0: figure.update_yaxes(title_text=y_param, row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) if y_i == len(sorted_params) - 1: figure.update_xaxes(title_text=x_param, row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) return figure def _generate_contour_subplot( trials: List[FrozenTrial], x_param: str, y_param: str, reverse_scale: bool, param_values_range: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, target: Optional[Callable[[FrozenTrial], float]] = None, target_name: str = "Objective Value", ) -> Tuple["Contour", "Scatter"]: if param_values_range is None: param_values_range = {} x_indices = sorted(set(_get_param_values(trials, x_param))) y_indices = sorted(set(_get_param_values(trials, y_param))) if len(x_indices) < 2: _logger.warning("Param {} unique value length is less than 2.".format(x_param)) return go.Contour(), go.Scatter() if len(y_indices) < 2: _logger.warning("Param {} unique value length is less than 2.".format(y_param)) return go.Contour(), go.Scatter() # Padding to the plot for non-categorical params. x_range = param_values_range[x_param] if _is_numerical(trials, x_param): x_indices = [x_range[0]] + x_indices + [x_range[1]] y_range = param_values_range[y_param] if _is_numerical(trials, y_param): y_indices = [y_range[0]] + y_indices + [y_range[1]] z = [[float("nan") for _ in range(len(x_indices))] for _ in range(len(y_indices))] x_values = [] y_values = [] for trial in trials: if x_param not in trial.params or y_param not in trial.params: continue x_value = trial.params[x_param] y_value = trial.params[y_param] if not _is_numerical(trials, x_param): x_value = str(x_value) if not _is_numerical(trials, y_param): y_value = str(y_value) x_values.append(x_value) y_values.append(y_value) x_i = x_indices.index(x_value) y_i = y_indices.index(y_value) if target is None: value = trial.value else: value = target(trial) if isinstance(value, int): value = float(value) elif not isinstance(value, float): raise ValueError( f"Trial{trial.number} has COMPLETE state, but its target value is non-numeric." ) z[y_i][x_i] = value contour = go.Contour( x=x_indices, y=y_indices, z=z, colorbar={"title": target_name}, colorscale=COLOR_SCALE, connectgaps=True, contours_coloring="heatmap", hoverinfo="none", line_smoothing=1.3, reversescale=reverse_scale, ) scatter = go.Scatter( x=x_values, y=y_values, marker={"line": {"width": 2.0, "color": "Grey"}, "color": "black"}, mode="markers", showlegend=False, ) return (contour, scatter)