Source code for optuna.visualization._rank

from __future__ import annotations

import math
import typing
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import NamedTuple

import numpy as np

from optuna.logging import get_logger
from optuna.samplers._base import _CONSTRAINTS_KEY
from import Study
from optuna.trial import FrozenTrial
from optuna.trial import TrialState
from optuna.visualization._plotly_imports import _imports
from optuna.visualization._utils import _check_plot_args
from optuna.visualization._utils import _is_log_scale
from optuna.visualization._utils import _is_numerical
from optuna.visualization.matplotlib._matplotlib_imports import _imports as matplotlib_imports

plotly_is_available = _imports.is_successful()
if plotly_is_available:
    from optuna.visualization._plotly_imports import go
    from optuna.visualization._plotly_imports import make_subplots
    from optuna.visualization._plotly_imports import plotly
    from optuna.visualization._plotly_imports import Scatter
if matplotlib_imports.is_successful():
    # TODO(c-bata): Refactor to remove matplotlib and plotly dependencies in `_get_rank_info()`.
    # See for the discussion.
    from optuna.visualization.matplotlib._matplotlib_imports import plt as matplotlib_plt

_logger = get_logger(__name__)


class _AxisInfo(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    range: tuple[float, float]
    is_log: bool
    is_cat: bool

class _RankSubplotInfo(NamedTuple):
    xaxis: _AxisInfo
    yaxis: _AxisInfo
    xs: list[Any]
    ys: list[Any]
    trials: list[FrozenTrial]
    zs: np.ndarray
    colors: np.ndarray

class _RankPlotInfo(NamedTuple):
    params: list[str]
    sub_plot_infos: list[list[_RankSubplotInfo]]
    target_name: str
    zs: np.ndarray
    colors: np.ndarray
    has_custom_target: bool

[docs] def plot_rank( study: Study, params: list[str] | None = None, *, target: Callable[[FrozenTrial], float] | None = None, target_name: str = "Objective Value", ) -> "go.Figure": """Plot parameter relations as scatter plots with colors indicating ranks of target value. Note that trials missing the specified parameters will not be plotted. Example: The following code snippet shows how to plot the parameter relationship as a rank plot. .. plotly:: import optuna def objective(trial): x = trial.suggest_float("x", -100, 100) y = trial.suggest_categorical("y", [-1, 0, 1]) c0 = 400 - (x + y)**2 trial.set_user_attr("constraint", [c0]) return x ** 2 + y def constraints(trial): return trial.user_attrs["constraint"] sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler(seed=10, constraints_func=constraints) study = optuna.create_study(sampler=sampler) study.optimize(objective, n_trials=30) fig = optuna.visualization.plot_rank(study, params=["x", "y"]) Args: study: A :class:`` object whose trials are plotted for their target values. params: Parameter list to visualize. The default is all parameters. target: A function to specify the value to display. If it is :obj:`None` and ``study`` is being used for single-objective optimization, the objective values are plotted. .. note:: Specify this argument if ``study`` is being used for multi-objective optimization. target_name: Target's name to display on the color bar. Returns: A :class:`plotly.graph_objects.Figure` object. .. note:: This function requires plotly >= 5.0.0. """ _imports.check() info = _get_rank_info(study, params, target, target_name) return _get_rank_plot(info)
def _get_order_with_same_order_averaging(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: order = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=float) data_sorted = np.sort(data) for i, d in enumerate(data): indices = np.where(data_sorted == d)[0] order[i] = sum(indices) / len(indices) return order def _get_rank_info( study: Study, params: list[str] | None, target: Callable[[FrozenTrial], float] | None, target_name: str, ) -> _RankPlotInfo: _check_plot_args(study, target, target_name) trials = study.get_trials(deepcopy=False, states=(TrialState.COMPLETE,)) all_params = {p_name for t in trials for p_name in t.params.keys()} if len(trials) == 0: _logger.warning("Your study does not have any completed trials.") params = [] elif params is None: params = sorted(all_params) else: for input_p_name in params: if input_p_name not in all_params: raise ValueError("Parameter {} does not exist in your study.".format(input_p_name)) if len(params) == 0: _logger.warning("params is an empty list.") has_custom_target = True if target is None: def target(trial: FrozenTrial) -> float: return typing.cast(float, trial.value) has_custom_target = False target_values = np.array([target(trial) for trial in trials]) raw_ranks = _get_order_with_same_order_averaging(target_values) color_idxs = raw_ranks / (len(trials) - 1) if len(trials) >= 2 else np.array([0.5]) colors = _convert_color_idxs_to_scaled_rgb_colors(color_idxs) sub_plot_infos: list[list[_RankSubplotInfo]] if len(params) == 2: x_param = params[0] y_param = params[1] sub_plot_info = _get_rank_subplot_info(trials, target_values, colors, x_param, y_param) sub_plot_infos = [[sub_plot_info]] else: sub_plot_infos = [ [ _get_rank_subplot_info(trials, target_values, colors, x_param, y_param) for x_param in params ] for y_param in params ] return _RankPlotInfo( params=params, sub_plot_infos=sub_plot_infos, target_name=target_name, zs=target_values, colors=colors, has_custom_target=has_custom_target, ) def _get_rank_subplot_info( trials: list[FrozenTrial], target_values: np.ndarray, colors: np.ndarray, x_param: str, y_param: str, ) -> _RankSubplotInfo: xaxis = _get_axis_info(trials, x_param) yaxis = _get_axis_info(trials, y_param) infeasible_trial_ids = [] for i in range(len(trials)): constraints = trials[i].system_attrs.get(_CONSTRAINTS_KEY) if constraints is not None and any([x > 0.0 for x in constraints]): infeasible_trial_ids.append(i) colors[infeasible_trial_ids] = (204, 204, 204) # equal to "#CCCCCC" filtered_ids = [ i for i in range(len(trials)) if x_param in trials[i].params and y_param in trials[i].params ] filtered_trials = [trials[i] for i in filtered_ids] xs = [trial.params[x_param] for trial in filtered_trials] ys = [trial.params[y_param] for trial in filtered_trials] zs = target_values[filtered_ids] colors = colors[filtered_ids] return _RankSubplotInfo( xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis, xs=xs, ys=ys, trials=filtered_trials, zs=np.array(zs), colors=colors, ) def _get_axis_info(trials: list[FrozenTrial], param_name: str) -> _AxisInfo: values: list[str | float | None] is_numerical = _is_numerical(trials, param_name) if is_numerical: values = [t.params.get(param_name) for t in trials] else: values = [ str(t.params.get(param_name)) if param_name in t.params else None for t in trials ] min_value = min([v for v in values if v is not None]) max_value = max([v for v in values if v is not None]) if _is_log_scale(trials, param_name): min_value = float(min_value) max_value = float(max_value) padding = (math.log10(max_value) - math.log10(min_value)) * PADDING_RATIO min_value = math.pow(10, math.log10(min_value) - padding) max_value = math.pow(10, math.log10(max_value) + padding) is_log = True is_cat = False elif is_numerical: min_value = float(min_value) max_value = float(max_value) padding = (max_value - min_value) * PADDING_RATIO min_value = min_value - padding max_value = max_value + padding is_log = False is_cat = False else: unique_values = set(values) span = len(unique_values) - 1 if None in unique_values: span -= 1 padding = span * PADDING_RATIO min_value = -padding max_value = span + padding is_log = False is_cat = True return _AxisInfo( name=param_name, range=(min_value, max_value), is_log=is_log, is_cat=is_cat, ) def _get_rank_subplot( info: _RankSubplotInfo, target_name: str, print_raw_objectives: bool ) -> "Scatter": def get_hover_text(trial: FrozenTrial, target_value: float) -> str: lines = [f"Trial #{trial.number}"] lines += [f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in trial.params.items()] lines += [f"<b>{target_name}: {target_value}</b>"] if print_raw_objectives: lines += [f"Objective #{i}: {v}" for i, v in enumerate(trial.values)] return "<br>".join(lines) scatter = go.Scatter( x=info.xs, y=info.ys, marker={ "color": list(map(plotly.colors.label_rgb, info.colors)), "line": {"width": 0.5, "color": "Grey"}, }, mode="markers", showlegend=False, hovertemplate="%{hovertext}<extra></extra>", hovertext=[ get_hover_text(trial, target_value) for trial, target_value in zip(info.trials, info.zs) ], ) return scatter class _TickInfo(NamedTuple): coloridxs: list[float] text: list[str] def _get_tick_info(target_values: np.ndarray) -> _TickInfo: sorted_target_values = np.sort(target_values) coloridxs = [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1] values = np.quantile(sorted_target_values, coloridxs) rank_text = ["min.", "25%", "50%", "75%", "max."] text = [f"{rank_text[i]} ({values[i]:3g})" for i in range(len(values))] return _TickInfo(coloridxs=coloridxs, text=text) def _get_rank_plot( info: _RankPlotInfo, ) -> "go.Figure": params = info.params sub_plot_infos = info.sub_plot_infos layout = go.Layout(title=f"Rank ({info.target_name})") if len(params) == 0: return go.Figure(data=[], layout=layout) if len(params) == 2: x_param = params[0] y_param = params[1] sub_plot_info = sub_plot_infos[0][0] sub_plots = _get_rank_subplot(sub_plot_info, info.target_name, info.has_custom_target) figure = go.Figure(data=sub_plots, layout=layout) figure.update_xaxes(title_text=x_param, range=sub_plot_info.xaxis.range) figure.update_yaxes(title_text=y_param, range=sub_plot_info.yaxis.range) if sub_plot_info.xaxis.is_cat: figure.update_xaxes(type="category") if sub_plot_info.yaxis.is_cat: figure.update_yaxes(type="category") if sub_plot_info.xaxis.is_log: log_range = [math.log10(p) for p in sub_plot_info.xaxis.range] figure.update_xaxes(range=log_range, type="log") if sub_plot_info.yaxis.is_log: log_range = [math.log10(p) for p in sub_plot_info.yaxis.range] figure.update_yaxes(range=log_range, type="log") else: figure = make_subplots( rows=len(params), cols=len(params), shared_xaxes=True, shared_yaxes=True, horizontal_spacing=0.08 / len(params), vertical_spacing=0.08 / len(params), ) figure.update_layout(layout) for x_i, x_param in enumerate(params): for y_i, y_param in enumerate(params): scatter = _get_rank_subplot( sub_plot_infos[y_i][x_i], info.target_name, info.has_custom_target ) figure.add_trace(scatter, row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) xaxis = sub_plot_infos[y_i][x_i].xaxis yaxis = sub_plot_infos[y_i][x_i].yaxis figure.update_xaxes(range=xaxis.range, row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) figure.update_yaxes(range=yaxis.range, row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) if xaxis.is_cat: figure.update_xaxes(type="category", row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) if yaxis.is_cat: figure.update_yaxes(type="category", row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) if xaxis.is_log: log_range = [math.log10(p) for p in xaxis.range] figure.update_xaxes(range=log_range, type="log", row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) if yaxis.is_log: log_range = [math.log10(p) for p in yaxis.range] figure.update_yaxes(range=log_range, type="log", row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) if x_i == 0: figure.update_yaxes(title_text=y_param, row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) if y_i == len(params) - 1: figure.update_xaxes(title_text=x_param, row=y_i + 1, col=x_i + 1) tick_info = _get_tick_info(info.zs) colormap = "RdYlBu_r" colorbar_trace = go.Scatter( x=[None], y=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict( colorscale=colormap, showscale=True, cmin=0, cmax=1, colorbar=dict(thickness=10, tickvals=tick_info.coloridxs, ticktext=tick_info.text), ), hoverinfo="none", showlegend=False, ) figure.add_trace(colorbar_trace) return figure def _convert_color_idxs_to_scaled_rgb_colors(color_idxs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: colormap = "RdYlBu_r" if plotly_is_available: # sample_colorscale requires plotly >= 5.0.0. labeled_colors = plotly.colors.sample_colorscale(colormap, color_idxs) scaled_rgb_colors = np.array([plotly.colors.unlabel_rgb(cl) for cl in labeled_colors]) return scaled_rgb_colors else: cmap = matplotlib_plt.get_cmap(colormap) colors = cmap(color_idxs)[:, :3] # Drop alpha values. rgb_colors = np.asarray(colors * 255, dtype=int) return rgb_colors