optuna.multi_objective.samplers._motpe 源代码

import math
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import cast
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

import optuna
from optuna import distributions
from optuna import multi_objective
from optuna._deprecated import deprecated
from optuna.distributions import BaseDistribution
from optuna.multi_objective import _hypervolume
from optuna.multi_objective.samplers import BaseMultiObjectiveSampler
from optuna.multi_objective.samplers._random import RandomMultiObjectiveSampler
from optuna.samplers import TPESampler
from optuna.samplers._tpe.parzen_estimator import _ParzenEstimator
from optuna.samplers._tpe.parzen_estimator import _ParzenEstimatorParameters
from optuna.study import StudyDirection

EPS = 1e-12
_SPLITCACHE_KEY = "multi_objective:motpe:splitcache"
_WEIGHTS_BELOW_KEY = "multi_objective:motpe:weights_below"

def default_gamma(x: int) -> int:
    return int(np.floor(0.1 * x))

def _default_weights_above(x: int) -> np.ndarray:
    return np.ones(x)

[文档]@deprecated("2.4.0", "4.0.0") class MOTPEMultiObjectiveSampler(TPESampler, BaseMultiObjectiveSampler): """Multi-objective sampler using the MOTPE algorithm. This sampler is a multiobjective version of :class:`~optuna.samplers.TPESampler`. For further information about MOTPE algorithm, please refer to the following paper: - `Multiobjective tree-structured parzen estimator for computationally expensive optimization problems <https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3377930.3389817>`_ Args: consider_prior: Enhance the stability of Parzen estimator by imposing a Gaussian prior when :obj:`True`. The prior is only effective if the sampling distribution is either :class:`~optuna.distributions.UniformDistribution`, :class:`~optuna.distributions.DiscreteUniformDistribution`, :class:`~optuna.distributions.LogUniformDistribution`, :class:`~optuna.distributions.IntUniformDistribution`, or :class:`~optuna.distributions.IntLogUniformDistribution`. prior_weight: The weight of the prior. This argument is used in :class:`~optuna.distributions.UniformDistribution`, :class:`~optuna.distributions.DiscreteUniformDistribution`, :class:`~optuna.distributions.LogUniformDistribution`, :class:`~optuna.distributions.IntUniformDistribution`, :class:`~optuna.distributions.IntLogUniformDistribution`, and :class:`~optuna.distributions.CategoricalDistribution`. consider_magic_clip: Enable a heuristic to limit the smallest variances of Gaussians used in the Parzen estimator. consider_endpoints: Take endpoints of domains into account when calculating variances of Gaussians in Parzen estimator. See the original paper for details on the heuristics to calculate the variances. n_startup_trials: The random sampling is used instead of the MOTPE algorithm until the given number of trials finish in the same study. 11 * number of variables - 1 is recommended in the original paper. n_ehvi_candidates: Number of candidate samples used to calculate the expected hypervolume improvement. gamma: A function that takes the number of finished trials and returns the number of trials to form a density function for samples with low grains. See the original paper for more details. weights_above: A function that takes the number of finished trials and returns a weight for them. As default, weights are automatically calculated by the MOTPE's default strategy. seed: Seed for random number generator. .. note:: Initialization with Latin hypercube sampling may improve optimization performance. However, the current implementation only supports initialization with random sampling. Example: .. testcode:: import optuna seed = 128 num_variables = 9 n_startup_trials = 11 * num_variables - 1 def objective(trial): x = [] for i in range(1, num_variables + 1): x.append(trial.suggest_float(f"x{i}", 0.0, 2.0 * i)) return x sampler = optuna.multi_objective.samplers.MOTPEMultiObjectiveSampler( n_startup_trials=n_startup_trials, n_ehvi_candidates=24, seed=seed ) study = optuna.multi_objective.create_study( ["minimize"] * num_variables, sampler=sampler ) study.optimize(objective, n_trials=250) """ def __init__( self, consider_prior: bool = True, prior_weight: float = 1.0, consider_magic_clip: bool = True, consider_endpoints: bool = True, n_startup_trials: int = 10, n_ehvi_candidates: int = 24, gamma: Callable[[int], int] = default_gamma, weights_above: Callable[[int], np.ndarray] = _default_weights_above, seed: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( consider_prior=consider_prior, prior_weight=prior_weight, consider_magic_clip=consider_magic_clip, consider_endpoints=consider_endpoints, n_startup_trials=n_startup_trials, n_ei_candidates=n_ehvi_candidates, gamma=gamma, weights=weights_above, seed=seed, ) self._n_ehvi_candidates = n_ehvi_candidates self._mo_random_sampler = RandomMultiObjectiveSampler(seed=seed)
[文档] def reseed_rng(self) -> None: self._rng = np.random.RandomState() self._mo_random_sampler.reseed_rng()
[文档] def infer_relative_search_space( self, study: Union[optuna.study.Study, "multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy"], trial: Union[optuna.trial.FrozenTrial, "multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial"], ) -> Dict[str, BaseDistribution]: return {}
[文档] def sample_relative( self, study: Union[optuna.study.Study, "multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy"], trial: Union[optuna.trial.FrozenTrial, "multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial"], search_space: Dict[str, BaseDistribution], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {}
[文档] def sample_independent( self, study: Union[optuna.study.Study, "multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy"], trial: Union[optuna.trial.FrozenTrial, "multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial"], param_name: str, param_distribution: BaseDistribution, ) -> Any: assert isinstance(study, multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy) assert isinstance(trial, multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial) if len(study.directions) < 2: raise ValueError( "Number of objectives must be >= 2. " "Please use optuna.samplers.TPESampler for single-objective optimization." ) from None values, scores = _get_observation_pairs(study, param_name) n = len(values) if n < self._n_startup_trials: return self._mo_random_sampler.sample_independent( study, trial, param_name, param_distribution ) below_param_values, above_param_values = self._split_mo_observation_pairs( study, trial, values, scores ) if isinstance(param_distribution, distributions.UniformDistribution): return self._sample_mo_uniform( study, trial, param_distribution, below_param_values, above_param_values ) elif isinstance(param_distribution, distributions.LogUniformDistribution): return self._sample_mo_loguniform( study, trial, param_distribution, below_param_values, above_param_values ) elif isinstance(param_distribution, distributions.DiscreteUniformDistribution): return self._sample_mo_discrete_uniform( study, trial, param_distribution, below_param_values, above_param_values ) elif isinstance(param_distribution, distributions.IntUniformDistribution): return self._sample_mo_int( study, trial, param_distribution, below_param_values, above_param_values ) elif isinstance(param_distribution, distributions.IntLogUniformDistribution): return self._sample_mo_int_loguniform( study, trial, param_distribution, below_param_values, above_param_values ) elif isinstance(param_distribution, distributions.CategoricalDistribution): index = self._sample_mo_categorical_index( study, trial, param_distribution, below_param_values, above_param_values ) return param_distribution.choices[index] else: distribution_list = [ distributions.UniformDistribution.__name__, distributions.LogUniformDistribution.__name__, distributions.DiscreteUniformDistribution.__name__, distributions.IntUniformDistribution.__name__, distributions.IntLogUniformDistribution.__name__, distributions.CategoricalDistribution.__name__, ] raise NotImplementedError( "The distribution {} is not implemented. " "The parameter distribution should be one of the {}".format( param_distribution, distribution_list ) )
def _split_mo_observation_pairs( self, study: "multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy", trial: "multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial", config_vals: List[Optional[float]], loss_vals: List[List[float]], ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Split observations into observations for l(x) and g(x) with the ratio of gamma:1-gamma. Weights for l(x) are also calculated in this method. This splitting strategy consists of the following two steps: 1. Nondonation rank-based selection 2. Hypervolume subset selection problem (HSSP)-based selection Please refer to the `original paper <https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3377930.3389817>`_ for more details. """ cvals = np.asarray(config_vals) lvals = np.asarray(loss_vals) # Solving HSSP for variables number of times is a waste of time. # We cache the result of splitting. if _SPLITCACHE_KEY in trial.system_attrs: split_cache = trial.system_attrs[_SPLITCACHE_KEY] indices_below = np.asarray(split_cache["indices_below"]) weights_below = np.asarray(split_cache["weights_below"]) indices_above = np.asarray(split_cache["indices_above"]) else: nondomination_ranks = _calculate_nondomination_rank(lvals) n_below = self._gamma(len(lvals)) assert 0 <= n_below <= len(lvals) indices = np.array(range(len(lvals))) indices_below = np.array([], dtype=int) # Nondomination rank-based selection i = 0 while len(indices_below) + sum(nondomination_ranks == i) <= n_below: indices_below = np.append(indices_below, indices[nondomination_ranks == i]) i += 1 # Hypervolume subset selection problem (HSSP)-based selection subset_size = n_below - len(indices_below) if subset_size > 0: rank_i_lvals = lvals[nondomination_ranks == i] rank_i_indices = indices[nondomination_ranks == i] worst_point = np.max(rank_i_lvals, axis=0) reference_point = np.maximum(1.1 * worst_point, 0.9 * worst_point) reference_point[reference_point == 0] = EPS selected_indices = self._solve_hssp( rank_i_lvals, rank_i_indices, subset_size, reference_point ) indices_below = np.append(indices_below, selected_indices) assert len(indices_below) == n_below indices_above = np.setdiff1d(indices, indices_below) attrs = { "indices_below": indices_below.tolist(), "indices_above": indices_above.tolist(), } weights_below = self._calculate_weights_below(lvals, indices_below) attrs["weights_below"] = weights_below.tolist() study._storage.set_trial_system_attr(trial._trial_id, _SPLITCACHE_KEY, attrs) below = cvals[indices_below] study._storage.set_trial_system_attr( trial._trial_id, _WEIGHTS_BELOW_KEY, [w for w, v in zip(weights_below, below) if v is not None], ) below = np.asarray([v for v in below if v is not None], dtype=float) above = cvals[indices_above] above = np.asarray([v for v in above if v is not None], dtype=float) return below, above def _sample_mo_uniform( self, study: "multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy", trial: "multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial", distribution: distributions.UniformDistribution, below: np.ndarray, above: np.ndarray, ) -> float: low = distribution.low high = distribution.high return self._sample_mo_numerical(study, trial, low, high, below, above) def _sample_mo_loguniform( self, study: "multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy", trial: "multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial", distribution: distributions.LogUniformDistribution, below: np.ndarray, above: np.ndarray, ) -> float: low = distribution.low high = distribution.high return self._sample_mo_numerical(study, trial, low, high, below, above, is_log=True) def _sample_mo_discrete_uniform( self, study: "multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy", trial: "multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial", distribution: distributions.DiscreteUniformDistribution, below: np.ndarray, above: np.ndarray, ) -> float: q = distribution.q r = distribution.high - distribution.low # [low, high] is shifted to [0, r] to align sampled values at regular intervals. low = 0 - 0.5 * q high = r + 0.5 * q # Shift below and above to [0, r] above -= distribution.low below -= distribution.low best_sample = ( self._sample_mo_numerical(study, trial, low, high, below, above, q=q) + distribution.low ) return min(max(best_sample, distribution.low), distribution.high) def _sample_mo_int( self, study: "multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy", trial: "multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial", distribution: distributions.IntUniformDistribution, below: np.ndarray, above: np.ndarray, ) -> int: d = distributions.DiscreteUniformDistribution( low=distribution.low, high=distribution.high, q=distribution.step ) return int(self._sample_mo_discrete_uniform(study, trial, d, below, above)) def _sample_mo_int_loguniform( self, study: "multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy", trial: "multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial", distribution: distributions.IntLogUniformDistribution, below: np.ndarray, above: np.ndarray, ) -> int: low = distribution.low - 0.5 high = distribution.high + 0.5 sample = self._sample_mo_numerical(study, trial, low, high, below, above, is_log=True) best_sample = np.round(sample) return int(min(max(best_sample, distribution.low), distribution.high)) def _sample_mo_numerical( self, study: "multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy", trial: "multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial", low: float, high: float, below: np.ndarray, above: np.ndarray, q: Optional[float] = None, is_log: bool = False, ) -> float: if is_log: low = np.log(low) high = np.log(high) below = np.log(below) above = np.log(above) size = (self._n_ehvi_candidates,) weights_below: Callable[[int], np.ndarray] weights_below = lambda _: np.asarray( # NOQA study._storage.get_trial(trial._trial_id).system_attrs[_WEIGHTS_BELOW_KEY], dtype=float, ) parzen_estimator_parameters_below = _ParzenEstimatorParameters( self._parzen_estimator_parameters.consider_prior, self._parzen_estimator_parameters.prior_weight, self._parzen_estimator_parameters.consider_magic_clip, self._parzen_estimator_parameters.consider_endpoints, weights_below, ) parzen_estimator_below = _ParzenEstimator( mus=below, low=low, high=high, parameters=parzen_estimator_parameters_below ) samples_below = self._sample_from_gmm( parzen_estimator=parzen_estimator_below, low=low, high=high, q=q, size=size, ) log_likelihoods_below = self._gmm_log_pdf( samples=samples_below, parzen_estimator=parzen_estimator_below, low=low, high=high, q=q, ) weights_above = self._weights parzen_estimator_parameters_above = _ParzenEstimatorParameters( self._parzen_estimator_parameters.consider_prior, self._parzen_estimator_parameters.prior_weight, self._parzen_estimator_parameters.consider_magic_clip, self._parzen_estimator_parameters.consider_endpoints, weights_above, ) parzen_estimator_above = _ParzenEstimator( mus=above, low=low, high=high, parameters=parzen_estimator_parameters_above ) log_likelihoods_above = self._gmm_log_pdf( samples=samples_below, parzen_estimator=parzen_estimator_above, low=low, high=high, q=q, ) ret = float( TPESampler._compare( samples=samples_below, log_l=log_likelihoods_below, log_g=log_likelihoods_above )[0] ) return math.exp(ret) if is_log else ret def _sample_mo_categorical_index( self, study: "multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy", trial: "multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial", distribution: distributions.CategoricalDistribution, below: np.ndarray, above: np.ndarray, ) -> int: choices = distribution.choices below = np.asarray(list(map(int, below))) above = np.asarray(list(map(int, above))) upper = len(choices) size = (self._n_ehvi_candidates,) weights_below = study._storage.get_trial(trial._trial_id).system_attrs[_WEIGHTS_BELOW_KEY] counts_below = np.bincount(below, minlength=upper, weights=weights_below) weighted_below = counts_below + self._prior_weight weighted_below /= weighted_below.sum() samples_below = self._sample_from_categorical_dist(weighted_below, size) log_likelihoods_below = TPESampler._categorical_log_pdf(samples_below, weighted_below) weights_above = self._weights(len(above)) counts_above = np.bincount(above, minlength=upper, weights=weights_above) weighted_above = counts_above + self._prior_weight weighted_above /= weighted_above.sum() log_likelihoods_above = TPESampler._categorical_log_pdf(samples_below, weighted_above) return int( TPESampler._compare( samples=samples_below, log_l=log_likelihoods_below, log_g=log_likelihoods_above )[0] ) @staticmethod def _compute_hypervolume(solution_set: np.ndarray, reference_point: np.ndarray) -> float: return _hypervolume.WFG().compute(solution_set, reference_point) def _solve_hssp( self, rank_i_loss_vals: np.ndarray, rank_i_indices: np.ndarray, subset_size: int, reference_point: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """Solve a hypervolume subset selection problem (HSSP) via a greedy algorithm. This method is a 1-1/e approximation algorithm to solve HSSP. For further information about algorithms to solve HSSP, please refer to the following paper: - `Greedy Hypervolume Subset Selection in Low Dimensions <https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7570501>`_ """ selected_vecs = [] # type: List[np.ndarray] selected_indices = [] # type: List[int] contributions = [ self._compute_hypervolume(np.asarray([v]), reference_point) for v in rank_i_loss_vals ] hv_selected = 0.0 while len(selected_indices) < subset_size: max_index = np.argmax(contributions) contributions[int(max_index)] = -1 # mark as selected selected_index = rank_i_indices[max_index] selected_vec = rank_i_loss_vals[max_index] for j, v in enumerate(rank_i_loss_vals): if contributions[j] == -1: continue p = np.max([selected_vec, v], axis=0) contributions[j] -= ( self._compute_hypervolume(np.asarray(selected_vecs + [p]), reference_point) - hv_selected ) selected_vecs += [selected_vec] selected_indices += [selected_index] hv_selected = self._compute_hypervolume(np.asarray(selected_vecs), reference_point) return np.asarray(selected_indices, dtype=int) def _calculate_weights_below( self, lvals: np.ndarray, indices_below: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: # Calculate weights based on hypervolume contributions. n_below = len(indices_below) if n_below == 0: return np.asarray([]) elif n_below == 1: return np.asarray([1.0]) else: lvals_below = lvals[indices_below].tolist() worst_point = np.max(lvals_below, axis=0) reference_point = np.maximum(1.1 * worst_point, 0.9 * worst_point) reference_point[reference_point == 0] = EPS hv = self._compute_hypervolume(np.asarray(lvals_below), reference_point) contributions = np.asarray( [ hv - self._compute_hypervolume( np.asarray(lvals_below[:i] + lvals_below[i + 1 :]), reference_point ) for i in range(len(lvals)) ] ) weights_below = np.clip(contributions / np.max(contributions), 0, 1) return weights_below
def _calculate_nondomination_rank(loss_vals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: vecs = loss_vals.copy() # Normalize values lb = vecs.min(axis=0, keepdims=True) ub = vecs.max(axis=0, keepdims=True) vecs = (vecs - lb) / (ub - lb) ranks = np.zeros(len(vecs)) num_unranked = len(vecs) rank = 0 while num_unranked > 0: extended = np.tile(vecs, (vecs.shape[0], 1, 1)) counts = np.sum( np.logical_and( np.all(extended <= np.swapaxes(extended, 0, 1), axis=2), np.any(extended < np.swapaxes(extended, 0, 1), axis=2), ), axis=1, ) vecs[counts == 0] = 1.1 # mark as ranked ranks[counts == 0] = rank rank += 1 num_unranked -= np.sum(counts == 0) return ranks def _get_observation_pairs( study: "multi_objective.study.MultiObjectiveStudy", param_name: str, ) -> Tuple[List[Optional[float]], List[List[float]]]: """Get observation pairs from the study. This function collects observation pairs from the complete trials of the study. Pruning is currently not supported. The values for trials that don't contain the parameter named ``param_name`` are set to None. Objective values are negated if their directions are maximization and all objectives are treated as minimization in the MOTPE algorithm. """ trials = [ multi_objective.trial.FrozenMultiObjectiveTrial(study.n_objectives, trial) for trial in study._storage.get_all_trials(study._study_id, deepcopy=False) ] values = [] scores = [] for trial in trials: if trial.state != optuna.trial.TrialState.COMPLETE or None in trial.values: continue param_value = None # type: Optional[float] if param_name in trial.params: distribution = trial.distributions[param_name] param_value = distribution.to_internal_repr(trial.params[param_name]) # Convert all objectives to minimization score = [ cast(float, v) if d == StudyDirection.MINIMIZE else -cast(float, v) for d, v in zip(study.directions, trial.values) ] values.append(param_value) scores.append(score) return values, scores