optuna.integration.allennlp 源代码

import json
import os
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

from packaging import version

import optuna
from optuna import load_study
from optuna import Trial
from optuna._experimental import experimental
from optuna._imports import try_import

with try_import() as _imports:
    import allennlp
    import allennlp.commands
    import allennlp.common.util

# TrainerCallback is conditionally imported because allennlp may be unavailable in
# the environment that builds the documentation.
if _imports.is_successful():
    import _jsonnet
    from allennlp.training import GradientDescentTrainer
    from allennlp.training import TrainerCallback
    # I disable mypy here since `allennlp.training.TrainerCallback` is a subclass of `Registrable`
    # (https://docs.allennlp.org/main/api/training/trainer/#trainercallback) but `TrainerCallback`
    # defined here is not `Registrable`, which causes a mypy checking failure.
    class TrainerCallback:  # type: ignore
        """Stub for TrainerCallback."""

        def register(cls: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Callable:
            """Stub method for `TrainerCallback.register`.

            This method has the same signature as
            `Registrable.register <https://docs.allennlp.org/master/
            api/common/registrable/#registrable>`_ in AllenNLP.


            def wrapper(subclass: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
                return subclass

            return wrapper

_PPID = os.getppid()

User might want to launch multiple studies that uses `AllenNLPExecutor`.
Because `AllenNLPExecutor` uses environment variables for communicating
between a parent process and a child process. A parent process creates a study,
defines a search space, and a child process trains a AllenNLP model by
`allennlp.commands.train.train_model`. If multiple processes use `AllenNLPExecutor`,
the one's configuration could be loaded in the another's configuration.
To avoid this hazard, we add ID of a parent process to each key of
environment variables.
_TRIAL_ID = "{}_TRIAL_ID".format(_PREFIX)

def _create_pruner() -> Optional[optuna.pruners.BasePruner]:
    """Restore a pruner which is defined in `create_study`.

    `AllenNLPPruningCallback` is launched as a sub-process of
    a main script that defines search spaces.
    An instance cannot be passed directly from the parent process
    to its sub-process. For this reason, we set information about
    pruner as environment variables and load them and
    re-create the same pruner in `AllenNLPPruningCallback`.

    pruner_class = os.getenv(_PRUNER_CLASS)
    if pruner_class is None:
        return None

    pruner_params = _get_environment_variables_for_pruner()
    pruner = getattr(optuna.pruners, pruner_class, None)

    if pruner is None:
        return None

    return pruner(**pruner_params)

def _infer_and_cast(value: Optional[str]) -> Optional[Union[str, int, float, bool]]:
    """Infer and cast a string to desired types.

    We are only able to set strings as environment variables.
    However, parameters of a pruner could be integer, float,
    boolean, or else. We infer and cast environment variables
    to desired types.

    if value is None:
        return None

        return int(value)
    except ValueError:
            return float(value)
        except ValueError:
            if value == "True":
                return True
            if value == "False":
                return False

    return value

def _get_environment_variables_for_trial() -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]:
    return {
        "study_name": os.getenv(_STUDY_NAME),
        "trial_id": os.getenv(_TRIAL_ID),
        "storage": os.getenv(_STORAGE_NAME),
        "monitor": os.getenv(_MONITOR),

def _get_environment_variables_for_pruner() -> Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, int, float, bool]]]:
    keys = os.getenv(_PRUNER_KEYS)

    # keys would be empty when `_PRUNER_CLASS` is `NopPruner`
    if keys is None or keys == "":
        return {}

    kwargs = {}
    for key in keys.split(","):
        key_without_prefix = key.replace("{}_".format(_PREFIX), "")
        kwargs[key_without_prefix] = _infer_and_cast(os.getenv(key))

    return kwargs

def _fetch_pruner_config(trial: optuna.Trial) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    pruner = trial.study.pruner
    kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    if isinstance(pruner, optuna.pruners.HyperbandPruner):
        kwargs["min_resource"] = pruner._min_resource
        kwargs["max_resource"] = pruner._max_resource
        kwargs["reduction_factor"] = pruner._reduction_factor

    elif isinstance(pruner, optuna.pruners.MedianPruner):
        kwargs["n_startup_trials"] = pruner._n_startup_trials
        kwargs["n_warmup_steps"] = pruner._n_warmup_steps
        kwargs["interval_steps"] = pruner._interval_steps

    elif isinstance(pruner, optuna.pruners.PercentilePruner):
        kwargs["percentile"] = pruner._percentile
        kwargs["n_startup_trials"] = pruner._n_startup_trials
        kwargs["n_warmup_steps"] = pruner._n_warmup_steps
        kwargs["interval_steps"] = pruner._interval_steps

    elif isinstance(pruner, optuna.pruners.SuccessiveHalvingPruner):
        kwargs["min_resource"] = pruner._min_resource
        kwargs["reduction_factor"] = pruner._reduction_factor
        kwargs["min_early_stopping_rate"] = pruner._min_early_stopping_rate

    elif isinstance(pruner, optuna.pruners.ThresholdPruner):
        kwargs["lower"] = pruner._lower
        kwargs["upper"] = pruner._upper
        kwargs["n_warmup_steps"] = pruner._n_warmup_steps
        kwargs["interval_steps"] = pruner._interval_steps
    elif isinstance(pruner, optuna.pruners.NopPruner):
        raise ValueError("Unsupported pruner is specified: {}".format(type(pruner)))

    return kwargs

[文档]def dump_best_config(input_config_file: str, output_config_file: str, study: optuna.Study) -> None: """Save JSON config file after updating with parameters from the best trial in the study. Args: input_config_file: Input Jsonnet config file used with :class:`~optuna.integration.AllenNLPExecutor`. output_config_file: Output JSON config file. study: Instance of :class:`~optuna.study.Study`. Note that :func:`~optuna.study.Study.optimize` must have been called. """ _imports.check() best_params = study.best_params for key, value in best_params.items(): best_params[key] = str(value) best_config = json.loads(_jsonnet.evaluate_file(input_config_file, ext_vars=best_params)) # `optuna_pruner` only works with Optuna. # It removes when dumping configuration since # the result of `dump_best_config` can be passed to # `allennlp train`. if "callbacks" in best_config["trainer"]: new_callbacks = [] callbacks = best_config["trainer"]["callbacks"] for callback in callbacks: if callback["type"] == "optuna_pruner": continue new_callbacks.append(callback) if len(new_callbacks) == 0: best_config["trainer"].pop("callbacks") else: best_config["trainer"]["callbacks"] = new_callbacks with open(output_config_file, "w") as f: json.dump(best_config, f, indent=4)
[文档]@experimental("1.4.0") class AllenNLPExecutor(object): """AllenNLP extension to use optuna with Jsonnet config file. This feature is experimental since AllenNLP major release will come soon. The interface may change without prior notice to correspond to the update. See the examples of `objective function <https://github.com/optuna/optuna/blob/ master/examples/allennlp/allennlp_jsonnet.py>`_. You can also see the tutorial of our AllenNLP integration on `AllenNLP Guide <https://guide.allennlp.org/hyperparameter-optimization>`_. .. note:: From Optuna v2.1.0, users have to cast their parameters by using methods in Jsonnet. Call ``std.parseInt`` for integer, or ``std.parseJson`` for floating point. Please see the `example configuration <https://github.com/optuna/optuna/blob/master/ examples/allennlp/classifier.jsonnet>`_. .. note:: In :class:`~optuna.integration.AllenNLPExecutor`, you can pass parameters to AllenNLP by either defining a search space using Optuna suggest methods or setting environment variables just like AllenNLP CLI. If a value is set in both a search space in Optuna and the environment variables, the executor will use the value specified in the search space in Optuna. Args: trial: A :class:`~optuna.trial.Trial` corresponding to the current evaluation of the objective function. config_file: Config file for AllenNLP. Hyperparameters should be masked with ``std.extVar``. Please refer to `the config example <https://github.com/allenai/allentune/blob/ master/examples/classifier.jsonnet>`_. serialization_dir: A path which model weights and logs are saved. metrics: An evaluation metric for the result of ``objective``. force: If :obj:`True`, an executor overwrites the output directory if it exists. file_friendly_logging: If :obj:`True`, tqdm status is printed on separate lines and slows tqdm refresh rate. include_package: Additional packages to include. For more information, please see `AllenNLP documentation <https://docs.allennlp.org/master/api/commands/train/>`_. """ def __init__( self, trial: optuna.Trial, config_file: str, serialization_dir: str, metrics: str = "best_validation_accuracy", *, include_package: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, force: bool = False, file_friendly_logging: bool = False, ): _imports.check() self._params = trial.params self._config_file = config_file self._serialization_dir = serialization_dir self._metrics = metrics self._force = force self._file_friendly_logging = file_friendly_logging if include_package is None: include_package = [] if isinstance(include_package, str): self._include_package = [include_package] else: self._include_package = include_package storage = trial.study._storage if isinstance(storage, optuna.storages.RDBStorage): url = storage.url elif isinstance(storage, optuna.storages.RedisStorage): url = storage._url elif isinstance(storage, optuna.storages._CachedStorage): assert isinstance(storage._backend, optuna.storages.RDBStorage) url = storage._backend.url else: url = "" pruner_params = _fetch_pruner_config(trial) pruner_params = { "{}_{}".format(_PREFIX, key): str(value) for key, value in pruner_params.items() } system_attrs = { _STUDY_NAME: trial.study.study_name, _TRIAL_ID: str(trial._trial_id), _STORAGE_NAME: url, _MONITOR: metrics, _PRUNER_KEYS: ",".join(pruner_params.keys()), } if trial.study.pruner is not None: system_attrs[_PRUNER_CLASS] = type(trial.study.pruner).__name__ system_attrs.update(pruner_params) self._system_attrs = system_attrs def _build_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Create a dict of params for AllenNLP. _build_params is based on allentune's ``train_func``. For more detail, please refer to https://github.com/allenai/allentune/blob/master/allentune/modules/allennlp_runner.py#L34-L65 """ params = self._environment_variables() params.update({key: str(value) for key, value in self._params.items()}) params.update(self._system_attrs) return json.loads(_jsonnet.evaluate_file(self._config_file, ext_vars=params)) def _set_environment_variables(self) -> None: for key, value in self._system_attrs.items(): os.environ[key] = value @staticmethod def _is_encodable(value: str) -> bool: # https://github.com/allenai/allennlp/blob/master/allennlp/common/params.py#L77-L85 return (value == "") or (value.encode("utf-8", "ignore") != b"") def _environment_variables(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return {key: value for key, value in os.environ.items() if self._is_encodable(value)}
[文档] def run(self) -> float: """Train a model using AllenNLP.""" for package_name in self._include_package: allennlp.common.util.import_module_and_submodules(package_name) self._set_environment_variables() params = allennlp.common.params.Params(self._build_params()) allennlp.commands.train.train_model( params=params, serialization_dir=self._serialization_dir, file_friendly_logging=self._file_friendly_logging, force=self._force, include_package=self._include_package, ) metrics = json.load(open(os.path.join(self._serialization_dir, "metrics.json"))) return metrics[self._metrics]
[文档]@experimental("2.0.0") @TrainerCallback.register("optuna_pruner") class AllenNLPPruningCallback(TrainerCallback): """AllenNLP callback to prune unpromising trials. See `the example <https://github.com/optuna/optuna/blob/master/ examples/allennlp/allennlp_simple.py>`__ if you want to add a pruning callback which observes a metric. You can also see the tutorial of our AllenNLP integration on `AllenNLP Guide <https://guide.allennlp.org/hyperparameter-optimization>`_. .. note:: When :class:`~optuna.integration.AllenNLPPruningCallback` is instantiated in Python script, trial and monitor are mandatory. On the other hand, when :class:`~optuna.integration.AllenNLPPruningCallback` is used with :class:`~optuna.integration.AllenNLPExecutor`, ``trial`` and ``monitor`` would be ``None``. :class:`~optuna.integration.AllenNLPExecutor` sets environment variables for a study name, trial id, monitor, and storage. Then :class:`~optuna.integration.AllenNLPPruningCallback` loads them to restore ``trial`` and ``monitor``. Args: trial: A :class:`~optuna.trial.Trial` corresponding to the current evaluation of the objective function. monitor: An evaluation metric for pruning, e.g. ``validation_loss`` or ``validation_accuracy``. """ def __init__( self, trial: Optional[optuna.trial.Trial] = None, monitor: Optional[str] = None, ): _imports.check() if version.parse(allennlp.__version__) < version.parse("2.0.0"): raise ImportError( "`AllenNLPPruningCallback` requires AllenNLP>=v2.0.0." "If you want to use a callback with an old version of AllenNLP, " "please install Optuna v2.5.0 by executing `pip install 'optuna==2.5.0'`." ) # When `AllenNLPPruningCallback` is instantiated in Python script, # trial and monitor should not be `None`. if trial is not None and monitor is not None: self._trial = trial self._monitor = monitor # When `AllenNLPPruningCallback` is used with `AllenNLPExecutor`, # `trial` and `monitor` would be None. `AllenNLPExecutor` sets information # for a study name, trial id, monitor, and storage in environment variables. else: environment_variables = _get_environment_variables_for_trial() study_name = environment_variables["study_name"] trial_id = environment_variables["trial_id"] monitor = environment_variables["monitor"] storage = environment_variables["storage"] if study_name is None or trial_id is None or monitor is None or storage is None: message = ( "Fail to load study. Perhaps you attempt to use `AllenNLPPruningCallback`" " without `AllenNLPExecutor`. If you want to use a callback" " without an executor, you have to instantiate a callback with" "`trial` and `monitor. Please see the Optuna example: https://github.com/" "optuna/optuna/blob/master/examples/allennlp/allennlp_simple.py." ) raise RuntimeError(message) else: # If `stoage` is empty despite `study_name`, `trial_id`, # and `monitor` are not `None`, users attempt to use `AllenNLPPruningCallback` # with `AllenNLPExecutor` and in-memory storage. # `AllenNLPruningCallback` needs RDB or Redis storages to work. if storage == "": message = ( "If you want to use AllenNLPExecutor and AllenNLPPruningCallback," " you have to use RDB or Redis storage." ) raise RuntimeError(message) study = load_study(study_name, storage, pruner=_create_pruner()) self._trial = Trial(study, int(trial_id)) self._monitor = monitor
[文档] def on_epoch( self, trainer: "GradientDescentTrainer", metrics: Dict[str, Any], epoch: int, is_primary: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Check if a training reaches saturation. Args: trainer: AllenNLP's trainer metrics: Dictionary of metrics. epoch: Number of current epoch. is_primary: A flag for AllenNLP internal. """ if not is_primary: return None value = metrics.get(self._monitor) if value is None: return self._trial.report(float(value), epoch) if self._trial.should_prune(): raise optuna.TrialPruned()