Chainer extension to prune unpromising trials. |
A wrapper of |
Catalyst callback to prune unpromising trials. |
A Sampler using cma library as the backend. |
Wrapper class of PyCmaSampler for backward compatibility. |
FastAI callback to prune unpromising trials for fastai. |
Keras callback to prune unpromising trials. |
Callback for LightGBM to prune unpromising trials. |
Wrapper of LightGBM Training API to tune hyperparameters. |
Hyperparameter tuner for LightGBM. |
Hyperparameter tuner for LightGBM with cross-validation. |
Callback to track Optuna trials with MLflow. |
MXNet callback to prune unpromising trials. |
PyTorch Ignite handler to prune unpromising trials. |
PyTorch Lightning callback to prune unpromising trials. |
Sampler using Scikit-Optimize as the backend. |
Callback to track Optuna trials with TensorBoard. |
TensorFlow SessionRunHook to prune unpromising trials. |
tf.keras callback to prune unpromising trials. |
Callback for XGBoost to prune unpromising trials. |
Hyperparameter search with cross-validation. |
AllenNLP extension to use optuna with Jsonnet config file. |
Save JSON config file after updating with parameters from the best trial in the study. |
AllenNLP callback to prune unpromising trials. |